The Leader As A Coach: Creating S.T.A.R.S for the future.

My first coaching client request came from the President of a bazillion-dollar organization.
3 ways leaders sabotage their own success

You may be a high achiever but it may surprise you to learn that you could still be sabotaging your own success.
Strategic thinking for the busy leader

Almost every leader expresses a desire to have more time at their disposal for strategic thinking.
How to cope with change

No doubt you are here because you are either leading change or being asked to implement change
Upgrade for powerful feedback

Want an upgrade? Who doesn’t! If you do then you are in luck.
5 personal branding mistakes on social media

In today’s professional world, personal branding is a critical component for career success.
Disengagement begins with you

Ask a six year old what s/he would like to be when they grow up. Their eyes light up with passion. They jump up and down. Pilot. Fire fighter. Dancer. Teacher. The universe is at their feet.
Navigating New Boss Dynamics

People don’t leave companies, they leave their managers. Or so the saying goes. And yet that is not always an option.
Would you dare be more Jacinda?

I am leaving because with such a privileged job comes a big responsibility.
3 ways to upgrade the calm quotient

Want an upgrade? Who doesn’t! If you do then you are in luck.