Your Invite

Executive Presence

Your ticket to being a power player, anchored in unshakeable confidence, gravitas and poise.


From Accenture to Dyson, from Merck to Mastercard, from the Partners of KPMG to Deloitte, Dr. Tanvi Gautam has coached the executives of some of the biggest brands in the world to raise their game.

The Proprietary Playbook

Revealing all the unspoken, unwritten codes I've gathered from over a decade of coaching Fortune 500 executives from across the world.

Power Up, Power Down™

A simple and elegant formula of power up and power down will allow you to be a more effective leader in any situation.

Energy Centres™

Powering up your mental, physical and emotional energy into 1 focused direction to fully unleash your executive presence.

Everyday Charisma

You will lead the room with charisma, gravitas and poise, leaving a powerful impression in every interaction with every stakeholder.

By intentionally cultivating executive presence, you become a source of guidance, inspiration, and assurance, leading your peers and organisation towards growth and success.

What coaching clients say about Dr. Tanvi...


Sharon Lee

Regional Strategic Alliances,

Working with Dr. Tanvi both in one on one executive coaching and in her masterclass on networking, personal branding & sustainable career success has been very useful.

Each session allows me to reflect and improve myself as an individual. The one on one has been the most useful coaching – I am able to reflect and take immediate actions to refocus on my goals.

And I am still applying it as we speak! It allows me to sustain my energy level and deliver work done.


Sabrina (Xu Xiaomin) Xu

Director, Head of Customer Application-Single Use & Integrated System APAC, Merck Life Science

Dr. Gautam’s session on executive presence is a must for any leader who wants to raise their game. Knowing how maintain poise under pressure is a skill that I know will be of great value in my own role.

Her energetic, authentic and indepth approach goes beyond the superficial class on executive presence. Impressed and can take actions soon from her session!


Aurelien Patrick Maudonnet

Chief Executive OfficerChief Executive Officer, Helexia Brazil

The world has changed overnight. I am a part of my company crisis committee team navigating this historic storm. What is allowing me to stay in my center & show up in all this is the course on resilience that Dr. Tanvi taught.

In fact, I have come to realize that I have learnt more about leadership in the one month mastermind with her than I did in my 15 year career !

As a coach she inspires you with her deep expertise, authenticity & empathy for your journey. This is a transformation you want to undertake.


Gert Grobler

Executive Director, Lithon

I had the privileged to attend Dr. Tanvi Gautam’s Career Intelligence Accelerator Mastermind class, with a specific focus on the P.R.I.M.E skills needed to “future-fit” your career, hosted over the month of February 2020. This was one, if probably not the, most practical and implementable executive courses I’ve ever attended.

Dr. Tanvi’s passion and knowledge, coupled with personal experience examples and the method of delivery and engagement, including the whole group (even if we were on 7 continents and I don’t know how many timezones) made this a memorable experience and one I will not hesitate to recommend to any professional.


Mona Gavankar

AP Staffing Lead, Advisors Client Services Insights and Enablement, Mastercard

Progressive, approachable and a great story-teller! Now that my three-month coaching program with Dr. Tanvi has come to an end, I have been missing my sessions with her immensely. Being able to meet her clients where they are in their own journey makes her a fantastic coach for anyone looking to raise their game. I recommend her to any individual or organization looking to hire an executive coach.


Emma Jenkins-Lee

Managing Director, Spurwing Communications

I started working with Dr. Tanvi at a very crucial point in my career. I was being looked at for a very senior role and I wanted an executive coach who had deep leadership expertise with the c-suite and understood the challenges of taking on a strategic region wide agenda. She came highly recommended and I could quickly see why.

Not only did she help me see some items that I need to work on but she was also was a safe space for me to share my thoughts & dilemmas. Her approach to coaching is not just strategic & insightful but she coaches the whole self of her clients with an equal measure of empathy & tough love. 

Your Course Curriculum & a Box Full of Surprises!

Chapter #1

Introduction to Executive Presence

We will explore how executive presence goes beyond mere appearance and delve into the three primary elements that constitute it – gravitas, communication, and body language.

This chapter will also examine the impact of executive presence on career progression, leadership, and influence, and why it’s a critical skill set for future-proofing your career.

Chapter #2

Power Up, Power Down™

A simple and elegant formula of power up and power down will allow you to be a more effective leader in any situation.

You will learn how to use this framework to establish a balanced approach to leadership and to create an enduring and influential, executive presence.

Chapter #3

Elements & Energy Centres™

We delve into the different components of executive presence and how they correspond to your Energy Centres™.

You will discover how the mental, physical, and emotional aspects of your presence can be harnessed & focused towards achieving your goals and practical strategies to channelize these energies effectively for maximum impact.

Chapter #4

Activate Deep Confidence

Confidence is integral to executive presence, and this chapter will offer strategies to cultivate it, handle self-doubt and navigate challenging situations with grace.

You will have a toolkit to help you maintain your poise, especially under pressure, and operate from a space of confidence and leadership.

Chapter #5

Expressing Your Executive Presence

Discover the essential building blocks of a powerful personal brand, encompassing your distinctive value proposition, captivating brand voice, and striking visual identity.

You will integrate all these elements to create a cohesive and persuasive personal brand that commands respect and attention.

FREE Fast Action Bonus ($197 Value)

Limited Time

Exclusive Conversation from Global Experts

Learn from some of the best in the world…

Strategic networking from the Chief Operating Officer of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign to dealing with toxic environments from a best-selling author.

We’ve also got a TEDx speaker who crossed 10 millions views sharing the trade secrets with you, this can make your next presentation so much more impactful.

One the most downloaded podcasts of all time on how to deal with a Toxic workplace because nothing undermines executive presence like a toxic workplace. Learn how to be prepared to deal with such a scenario.

This is a box of surprises and you’re going to love it!

Till now, I’ve only shared these strategies with my highest level corporate clients.

You Can Be The Lighthouse Or A Tugboat...

A lighthouse leader stands tall, exudes confidence, and provides guidance by establishing a clear vision and direction for the team.

This leader emits a steady beam of light, symbolizing unwavering principles, values, and expertise.

Colleagues and team members are naturally drawn to this beacon of light and willingly follow the path illuminated by the lighthouse leader.

This leadership style fosters trust, promotes independent decision-making, and encourages professional growth among team members.

On the other hand, a tugboat leader focuses on managing every small task and constantly pushing or pulling the team to keep them on course.

This leader tends to micromanage, expending significant energy to ensure everyone stays in line.

While this approach may yield short-term results, it can lead to a lack of autonomy, stifled creativity, and decreased motivation among team members in the long run.

In the corporate world, embracing the lighthouse leadership style inspires and empowers team members fostering a more engaged, innovative, and productive work environment.

This is going to be your new Executive Presence.


Introduction to Executive Presence

$217 (Value)

Power Up, Power Down™

$217 (Value)

Elements & Energy Centres™

$217 (Value)

Activate Deep Confidence

$217 (Value)

Expressing Your Executive Presence

$217 (Value)


Exclusive bonus for storytelling program early bird



Frequently Asked Questions

This program is an e-learning experience.

If you’d like to purchase a coaching session with Dr. Tanvi, please contact support and you’ll be given a discounted student rate.

You get access to entire course and bonuses immediately after you purchase this program.

We believe in the quality of the program and have made the highly valuable program accessible at an accessible fee.

There will be no refund and hence please think through carefully before signing up.

If urgent life situations come in the way, we are happy to extend access to the module for one additional month on an as-needed basis.

Yes, we are happy to raise an invoice to your company if that is what you prefer.

Many participants get some support from their managers in this powerful program

More Testimonials from Pasat Students...

Kay To


Betinho Soares

Doug Carney

Murlee Dhar Shyamm

Dr. Tanvi Gautam is a Global Keynote Speaker, Best-Selling Author and Multi-award Winning Executive Coach

Listed as a Game Changer by Workforce Magazine (USA), Dr. Tanvi works with leaders across the world to help them lead with impact in the age of disruption.

Listed as a top HR influencer on special media for 8 consecutive years Published & Quoted by Forbes, Business Times, Business Manager & Economic Times.

Asia’s Women Leaders Award 2019 by World Women & Leadership Congress The Change leader of Tomorrow Award by the Asian Thought Leadership Conference.

List of Enterprise Clients Includes Microsoft, Exxon, Mastercard, Dell, Medtronics, TNT, Accenture, Merck, NetApp, Juniper & Verizon among others.


Introduction to Executive Presence

$217 (Value)

Power Up, Power Down™

$217 (Value)

Elements & Energy Centres™

$217 (Value)

Activate Deep Confidence

$217 (Value)

Expressing Your Executive Presence

$217 (Value)


Exclusive bonus for storytelling program early bird




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