Thought Leadership
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My first coaching client request came from the President of a bazillion-dollar organization.
You may be a high achiever but it may surprise you to learn that you could still be sabotaging your own success.
Almost every leader expresses a desire to have more time at their disposal for strategic thinking.
No doubt you are here because you are either leading change or being asked to implement change
Want an upgrade? Who doesn't! If you do then you are in luck.
In today's professional world, personal branding is a critical component for career success.
Ask a six year old what s/he would like to be when they grow up. Their eyes light up with passion. They jump up and down. Pilot. Fire fighter. Dancer. Teacher. The universe is at their feet.
People don’t leave companies, they leave their managers. Or so the saying goes. And yet that is not always an option.
I am leaving because with such a privileged job comes a big responsibility.
Want an upgrade? Who doesn't! If you do then you are in luck.
Everyone is keen to understand how to have more influence. And why not?
The way we lead in the real world only gets amplified on social media hence the shift in leadership must happen offline as well.
Are you working on your job or on your career? Are you playing at intersections or not? She says if you're not playing at intersections, you will be made redundant soon. The jobs that will get eliminated are single-domain jobs, which, don't need intersectionality.
Advice for women leaders by Dr. Tanvi on the podcast with Sheena Yap Chan. Find out some important tips and tricks to shift your identity to be a leader in your own right. Do you see the greatness in you?
We all face set backs and how to manage our mindset and emotions in the moment can be the key to forward progress. Watch 3 practical ways in which you can do this easily.
Rest and recovery are topics that will dominate our world for a long time to come.
Difficult conversations are the ones we have when there is something at stake.
So in my executive coaching & teaching at the university I ask 3 questions of my clients/participants that help me assess how "at risk' their career might be:
What do you think is the #1 mistake I see my coaching clients make as they try to rise up the ranks in their companies ?
Do you watch Netflix ? Are you guilty of binge watching Netflix ? Assuming your answer is yes to both these questions. Let’s do a second test.
Visibility equals opportunity: How to not to be invisible when working remotely
BBC interviews Dr. Tanvi on the reason why there is a number of Asian women leaders on the Forbes most powerful list of women.. Find out the challenges involved with Asian women leaders. Could family background take a major toll in determining success? Her answer may shock you.
Upon being 3 years into the pandemic, companies need to recognise that rest and recovery is essential for long term growth. It is not a good to have but rather a core competitive advantage. Learn how to still hit reset while competing with the others. Discover the benefits to the Rest & Recovery method.
In this episode of #TanviTalks, Azran Osman-Rani (former CEO of air asia x), as he describes the lessons he has learned in the process of leading the world's first budget airline, Air Asia X, to fly internationally as well the breakthrough task of taking AirAsia X public. Throughout the video, many lessons can be learned from this amazing conversation.
As the first Indian woman in this role for one of the world’s top speaker associations, watch Dr. Tanvi’s opening message to the community. Her view on professional speaking reminds people that the act of being on stage is both a privilege and a responsibility.
Dr. Tanvi is interviewed by People Hum on her career as a whole and the advice she has in line for other people who want to be as successful as her.
Money 893FM interviews Dr. Tanvi on why the career intelligence accelerator was launched. She talks about the contrast of careers in the past and the modern day and elaborates on the major differences. Given the quantity of career paths available, find out why?
Why do we need more women and leadership programs? Find your true potential, understand the world better and more. To grasp the rest, watch the video on how leadership can transform the inner being of everyone alike.