Navi Radjou – Frugal Innovation

Exciting news for all the business enthusiasts out there! Our latest podcast episode is a must-listen. We dive into the fascinating world of Frugal Innovation with the brilliant Navi Raju. Navi is an Indian-French-American Scholar and Speaker on Jugaad, Frugal Innovation and Wise Leadership; Ranked Global Top 50 Management Thinker; TED Speaker Navi enlightens us […]

Frans Johansson – Seizing Opportunity In An Unpredictable World

Are you ready to challenge traditional notions of success? We have insightful conversation with the brilliant Frans Johansson, CEO and founder of the Medici Group and author of The Click Moment. đź“š Fran enlightens us about the unpredictable ingredients of success – serendipity and randomness. He argues that success isn’t just about skillsets but also […]

Alexa Clay – Lessons in creativity from hackers, gangsters and other informal entrepreneurs

Get ready as we take you through a thrilling  journey into the world of misfit entrepreneurs with our special guest, Alexa Clay, author of The Misfit Economy. The Misfit Economy– Alexa Clay explores underground economies of misfits to uncover lessons in change and innovation. Misfits and Entrepreneurship Strategies -Misfits redefining entrepreneurship, hear the perspective of […]